First a West Virginia State Capitol card from a US Capitol tag.

Another tag, this one from Ohio:
Last but not least a private trade from Alaska. We love the polar bears!
So far then on our quest to get all the states we are up to 6 states. That is just any card with the state name on it. I would also like to complete at least the state capitol collection.
At first we were having a hard time thinking of stuff to write on our outgoing cards. With the last few we did the other day my daughter seems to have gotten into a groove and decided on a few little things to write and draw on each card to make them her own.
She also took what we have received so far to school last week. She is in 6th grade and each week one student in her class does a little presentation titled "All about me". They read a poem they each created for an assignment and bring in photos and items from home that relate to things they like or hobbies they have. She was excited to have some cards from other countries to bring. They all write a comment about her presentation on a sheet with her name on it, which her teacher gives her the next day. Most of her classmates commented on how cool her postcard collection was. She was quite proud of was I!